An ongoing solo exhibition January / June 2021
Curated by Sholeh Abghari
Under appointment only.
Sholeh Abghari / Art Gallery
Tel: 952254853 / 615385297
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An ongoing solo exhibition January / March 2021

The Third Eye by Alexis de Vilar / A photographic exhibition / La Reserva Club in Sotogrande / March - May 2021
An on going exhibition that starter last June 2020 and due to its success has been extended sine die (this “sine did” in Italia).
Sholeh Abghari / Art Gallery
Ricardo Soriano 72A
29602 Marbella
Tel: 952254853 / 615385297
Email: /

The author with Angela Fisher and Carol Beckwith, probably the best photographers in the world, during their joint exhibition at the Serena Nairobi back in 2019. This major event was curated by Lisa Christoffersen and Alan Donovan.
1973. June. Palacio de la Virreina, Barcelona. One-man photographic exhibition Sri Lanka, organised with the cooperation of the Caja de Pensiones and the Barcelona City Council. The official opening is staged by His Excellency the Mayor of Barcelona and Dr. Luis Miratvilles.
1974. Sausalito Gallery, Barcelona. Retrospective on the Third World.
1978. Brussels University, Belgium. Alexis de Vilar introduces the film Raoni. The event is organised by the Tribal Life Fund and sponsored by the Belgium Minister of Culture, the Woluwe St. Pierre City Hall, the Leopold III Fund for Nature, the World Wildlife Fund, Amnesty International and the UICN (the International Union for Nature and its Resources). The film receives acclaim of the biggest auditorium in Belgium (1.500 people attend including 7 Ministers of the Belgian Government and representatives of King Bauduin and King Leopold III).
1978. October. RTL (Luxemburg). The author is invited as special guest together with Haroun Tazieff and the Paul Emile Victor Group to a major TV debate on saving the Earth.
1979. Due to his long experience with the world of children Alexis de Vilar is selected as the writer for the official TV series that UNESCO produces to celebrate the International Year of the Child in cooperation with 7 member countries including India and China.
1979. March. Mann’s Chinese Theater, Los Angeles. Première of the film Raoni, nominated for the Academy Award in the Best Documentary Feature section. Alexis de Vilar organises te gala with the Tribal Life Fund and personally presents the gala together with Will Sampson, Jon Voight and the cooperation of Marlon Brando, who narrates the film. Frank Wells, then president of Warner Brothers, and Terri Simel sponsor the event.
1979. Kempinski Hotel, Berlín. Presentation by Alexis de Vilar of the book Rettet die Natur Völker (There is no place left for the wild men), for which he also writes the introduction. The event is sponsored by the Tribal Life Fund.
1980. Passage 44,Brussels. Alexis de Vilar presents the film Bushmen sponsored by the Tribal Life Fund.
1982. Cinema Puerto Banús, Marbella / Spain. Presentation by Alexis de Vilar of the première in Spain in original version of the film Gandhi by Richard Attenborough. The gala is attended by around 2.000 people including His Excellency the Indian Ambassador to Spain and the Minister of Industry Carlos Solchaga. Alexis de Vilar presents the Human Condition Award to Sir Richard Attenborough.
1983. Cinema Oasis, Marbella. Alexis de Vilar organises the première of Under Fire to protest against the backing of the United States to dictator Somoza.The event is attended by the Ambassador of Nicaragua to Spain and American filmmaker Jean Negulesco. Alexis de Vilar honours Roger Spottiswood, represented by Antonio Llorens of Lauren Films, with the annual Human Condition Award.
1993. February. Aboard the Mermoz, along the coasts of Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion and South Africa. The author gives several talks about South African politics and about the relationship between primitive tribes and the last wild ecosystems on the planet. Among the speakers at these conferences are the French academic writer Jean d’Ormesson, and the writers Daniel Vaxelaire, Jean Louis Racault and Jean Louis Joubert.
1994. December. Círculo Ecuestre, Barcelona. Presentation by Alexis de Vilar of a documentary on South Africa. The event is introduced by the Ambassador of South Africa in Madrid, His Excellency Mr. Awie Marais. The projection of the film is followed by a slide show of Alexis de Vilar pictures on the Bushmen of South Africa. The author pleads again for the fate of the Bushmen in order to prevent their decline.
1994. June. Gran Casino de Madrid. Slide show on the Bushmen of South Africa. The event is introduced by the Ambassador of South Africa to Spain, His Excellency Awie Marais. Once more Alexis de Vilar pleads to help prevent the disappearance of the Bushmen.
1995. Real Club de Tenis Barcelona 1899. Alexis de Vilar lectures on Tanzania, the land of Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar.
1996. Auditorium of La Caixa in Pedralbes Centre (Barcelona). Alexis de Vilar lectures on Tanzania, the land of Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar.
1996. Auditorium del RACC (Real Automóvil Club de Cataluña). Official opening of the new auditorium in the RACC headquarters in Barcelona with a lecture by Alexis de Vilar on South Africa.
1997. March. Pedralbes Centre (Barcelona). Retrospective one-man exhibition.
1998. December. Bookstore FNAC, Barcelona. Presentation of the book Kenya & Tanzania by Alexis de Vilar published by GeoPlaneta.
2000. March. Internet Gallery, Barcelona. Exhibition: Madagascar, the first wife of God.
2001. December. Alliance Française of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Alexis de Vilar is invited to participate in the exhibition Art in Tanzania.
2002. March. Maison Française of Nairobi, Kenya. Group exhibition Artistic Perception at Home introduced by the French Ambassador for Kenya, His Excellency Mr. Pierre Jacquemot.
2002. July. Café de Nuit 1888 (Café Van Gogh), Arles, France. One-man show on Africa during Les Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie 2002.
2002. September. La Cabaña of Almenara Hotel, Sotogrande, Cádiz (NH Hotels). One-man show African song.
2003. September. María José Castellví Gallery, Barcelona. One-man show African Song.
2003. December. Hotel Majestic, Barcelona. Presentation of the novel The Dove & the Hawk by Alexis de Vilar (Mestizajes). In Cadiz he creates the European Film Institute of which he is elected president.
2004. December. María José Castellví Gallery, Barcelona. One man-show Dreaming of the South Seas / Rêves des Mers du Sud. He creates the travel magazine ISLAS in Spain.
2005. September. Imaian Gallery, Madrid. One-man show African Song. In Barcelone he creates the European Geographic Society of which he is elected president.
2006. April. Galeria do Ollar, Salvador de Bahia. Group exhibition.
2007. December. Luzio, Barcelona. One-man show In Search of Paradise Lost.
2008. June. Art Vietnam Gallery, Hanoi. Group exhibition.
2008. October. Galería Marga Sennacheribbo, Barcelona. One-man show Portraits of the desert.
2009. April. Domaine Jnane Tamsna, Marrakech. One-man show Portraits of Africa.
2010. April / September. Design & Cook Gallery, Marrakech. Africa, Africa. One man exhibition at the Atrium / Sofitel Marrakech.
2011. July / October. Aina Nowack Gallery, Madrid. One man show In search of paradise lost.
2012. June. Royal Bay Sofitel, Agadir. One-man show African Song.
2013. Nairobi. Lisa Christoffersen Home Gallery. One-man show African journeys.
2014. Bretagne, France. Château de Kergrist. One-man show Portraits of the desert.
2015. Barcelona. Tassili Gallery One man show In search of paradise lost.
2016. Nairobi. Tribe Hotel / Lisa Christoffersen Home Gallery. One-man show Swahili song.
2017. Barcelona. Tassili Gallery One-man show African journeys.
2018. Tassili Gallery, Barcelona / Hotel de las Letras, Madrid. Presentation of paradise lost.
2019. February. One man exhibition at The New Stanley, Nairobi. African Journeys. March Serena Hotel, Nairobi. Collective exhibition with Angela Fisher and Carol Beckwith curated by Lisa Chrisffersen and Alan Donovan.
July / November. one-man show Swahili song at Peponi Hotel in Shela.
2020. July / December. One man show In search of paradise lost at Sholeh Abghari, Marbella.
2021. January. La Reserva de Sotogrande, San Roque, Cádiz. In search of paradise lost. Solo exhibition.
SOON IT WILL BE NIGHT (Pronto será de noche). San Francisco, 1975 (prólogo de Lawrence Ferlinghetti) / City Lights
LUZ Y MISERIA. Edhasa, 1977.
LOS DIOSES HUMANOS. Bruguera, 1980. Columbus, 1988.
AFRICAN BLUES. Plaza & Janés, 1985. Alizés, 1989 París. Columbus, 1987.
LA PALOMA Y EL HALCON. Columbus, 1987. Mestizajes, 2003.
LA SELVA MECÁNICA. Ediciones B, 1994.
GOODBYE, BARCELONA. Mestizajes. 2008.
Photographic books:
MAURICIO Y RODRIGUES. Editorial Juventud, 1996.
GUÍA FOTOGRÁFICA DE KENIA Y TANZANIA. GeoPlaneta, 1998. SWAHILI SONG. Heritage Wildlife Society, 2002.
INK ON PHOTOGRAPHS. Tassili Books #1, Barcelona 2011.
PARADISE LOST. Tassili Books #2, Barcelona 2018.
H.M. King Juan Carlos I, Spain
HE Mohamed VI King of Morocco, Rabat Palace
His Excellency Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, South Africa
His Excellency Joseph Tsang Mang Kin, Minister of Culture and the Arts, Mauritius
The late King Leopold III, Tervuren, Belgium
His Excellency Sheikh. Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr Al- Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar. Qatar / Marrakech
The late André Capart, president Fondation Leopold III pour la Nature, Belgium
H. E. Uruhu Kenyatta, Minister of Finance, Kenya
Mr. Luis Gómez de Aranda y Villén, Spanish Ambassador to Kiev, Ucrania
Mr. Xavier Martín García, Spanish Embassy, Senegal Embassy of Ivory Coast, Barcelona
The late Sheik Fouzan Al Fouzan, Kuwait
Mrs. Alicia Koplowitz, Madrid
Mrs. Ellen de St. Falle, New York
Mr. Casper Venter, President of South Africa's press officer, Cape Town
Mr. Neville Cook, Sotogrande
Miss Genoveva Casanova, Madrid / Mexico
Miss Sylvia Polakov Clarke, Madrid
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Álvarez, Barcelona / Mozambique
Mrs. Alexandra Guiness, Geneva
Mrs. Tana Brinkman, Gerona / Sidney
Mrs. Mary Pirone, Sotogrande
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Ventós, Barcelona
Miss Susie Lindberg Reuter, Madrid
The late Dr. Christiaan Barnard, Cape Town Marquesa de Rupert, Barcelona
The late Sir Peter Blake, Auckland
Hon Sir James Mancham, Seychelles
Mrs. Gry Iverslien, London
Mr. John Medina, Sotogrande
Mr. and Mrs. John Bassadone, Sotogrande / Gibraltar
Mrs. Deborah Spencer, Johannesburg, South Africa
Mrs. Delores Hicks, Los Angeles, California
Mr. Clemente Garay / Mrs. Irina Larios, Tarifa
Mr. Alfonso Zobel, Sotogrande
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Tallote, Marrakech / Vietnam
Mr. Yuri Makowski, Marbella
The late Mr. Ivan Illich, Cuernavaca, Mexico
Mrs. Marcelline Roussel Onassis, Paris
Mr. & Mrs. Ferrán Martí, Barcelona
Mr. Josep Dexeus, Abercrombie & Kent, Barcelona
The late Ricardo Montalbán, Los Angeles
Mr. and Mrs. Marko Richter, Marbella
Mrs. and Mrs. Laurent Requedaz, Agadir, Morocco
Mrs. Andrea Despine, Río de Janeiro
The late Louis Pawels, Paris
Miss Tatiana Gari, Barcelona
Mrs. Ana Sofia Cardenal, Barcelona
Mr. and Mrs. Raoul van Loo, Brussels
Mr. and Mrs. Joaquín Castellví Rey, Barcelona
Mrs. Brigitte Tirouflet, Marrakech / Paris
Mr. Richard Bonham, Ol Donyo Wuas, Tsavo, Kenya
Mr. Remi Burdairon, Aix en Provence
Mr. Javier Llaudet, Moscow/ Barcelona
Mrs. Mercedes Llagostera, Barcelona
Mr. Javier Miró de Mesa, Fiji
Mr. Breyten Breytenbach, Gorée Institute, Gorée, Senegal
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Henriot, Marrakech
Mr. and Mrs. Ricard Farré, Barcelona
Miss Belén Trias de Bés, Barcelona
Mr. Christian Nitsch, London
Mr. Jean Pierre Brossman, Marrakech
Mr. Philippe van Loo, Paris
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Adams, Seychelles
Mr. Mugo Maringa, Zanzibar
Mrs. Ana Alsina Recassens, Barcelona
Mr. Josep Güell, Atrezzo, Barcelona
Mr. and Mrs. Marzio Kravos, Karen, Nairobi
Mr. Emerson D. Skeens, Zanzibar
Mrs. Blanca Gari, Barcelona
Mr. and Mrs. Ignacio López-Balcells Romero, Barcelona
Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Mieza, Sitges
Mr. and Mrs. José Avinyo, Masnou, Barcelona
Mr. Stefan Glassmacher, Sotogrande / Marrakech
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Trujillo, Sotogrande
Mr. Martin Saltz, Munich
Mrs. Maryse Moussie, Nairobi, Kenya
Mr. Dhiran Kotak, Chairman Gapco Oil (Gulf Africa Petroleum Corporation), East Africa
Mr. Jorge Vidal Haussman, Barcelona
Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Bergvall, Tarifa / Oslo
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Roig, Barcelona
The late Boris Hoffman, Paris
The late Jesse L. Lasky Jr., London
Mrs. Marcelle Rimondi, Sotogrande
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Sans, Barcelona
Baroness Michou von Beschwitz, London
The late Mr. Robert Laffont, Paris
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schovsbo, Arusha, Tanzania
Mr. and Mrs. Manel Alvarez, Gerona
Abraham T. Koovor, Sri Lanka
The late Luis Buñuel, Mexico
Mr. and Mrs. Niko von Huetz, Tarifa / Paris
Mr. Salem Al Marzouk, Marbella
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Fergusson, Santa Monica, California
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bass, Denver, Colorado
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Commissaris, London
Mr. José Luis Fuentetaja, Sitges, Barcelona
Mrs. Imma Abelló Linde, Barcelona
Mr. and Mrs. Javier González, Sotogrande
Mr. Andreu Parcerisas, Barcelona
Mrs. Pat Silver Lasky, California
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Oberson, Lamu, Kenya
The late Paul Khoner, Paul Kohner Agency, Los Angeles
Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Dominguez, Barcelona
Mr. Carlos Godó Valls, Barcelona
Mr. Luis García, Sotogrande
Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Gonzalez, Barcelona
Mr. and Mrs. Siefried Blume, Barcelona
Mr. Alfonso Cernadas, Barcelona
Mr. Ramón Puig Roches, Barcelona
Mr. Patrick Beau, Bagur, Gerona
Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Ortega Ojuel, Barcelona
Mr. Jorge Lería Chateau, Marbella / Santiago de Chile
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Keeler, Sitges, Barcelona
The late Melvin Villarroel, Marbella / Santiago de Chile
Mr. and Mrs. Cyr Descamps, Gorée island, Senegal / Perpignan
Mr. Klas Holmer, Sotogrande
Mrs. Nina Laurenzen, Oslo
Mr. and Mrs. Andrea Selvaggi, London
Mrs. Elizabeth Vecchio, Rome / New York
Mr. Jean Dominique Pasquali, Cairo, Egypt
Mr. Joaquín González, Sotogrande
Mr. Sergio Moreu Soler, Ubilibet, Barcelona
Mr. Kamram Diba, Gaucín, Spain
Mr. Pedro Luis López Rodríguez, Sotogrande
The late Jose Luis de Vilallonga, Paris
Miss Sigrid Haupt, Sotogrande / Viena
Mr. Jaume Soler i de Magriña, Barcelona
Mr. Rex Fernández, London
The late Evelyn Kenny, London
Mrs. Anne Marie Diatta, Marseille
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Estarán, Barcelona
The late Arthur C. Clarke, Sri Lanka
The late Jacques Yves Cousteau
Mrs. Amina Karume, Zanzibar
The late Marlon Brando, Los Angeles / Tetiaroa
The Peter Cooper Collection, Melbourne, Australia
Mrs. Lina Mejia, Medellin, Colombia
Mr. Tomás Tarruella, Barcelona
Mr. and Mrs. Josep Beneito, Beneito Faure, Barcelona
Mrs. Alexandra Rovira, Hong Kong
Mrs Doris Nufer-Akrich, Marrakech
Dra. Clara Beltrán de Yturriaga
D550 Notarios / Mr. Jesús Benavides & Mr. Ariel Sultan, Barcelona
Aleph Capital, Madrid headquarters, Spain
Mr. Arturo Ferrer, Saigon, Vietnam
Mr. Christopher Rimmer, Melbourne
Ubilibet, Barcelona
Mrs. Elena de la Riva, Barcelona
Mrs. Michelle Towers, Barcelona / Sidney
Mr. and Mrs. Javier Carratalá, Barcelona
Miss Laura Cumellas, Barcelona
Miss Andrea Castellví, Barcelona
Mrs. Marta Megías Gili, Barcelona
Mrs. Goli Bachtiar, Sotogrande
Mrs. Patricia Darch, Sotogrande
Mrs. Carmen Camps, Barcelona
Mrs. Cuca Cumellas, Barcelona
Mr. Albert Molina and Mrs. Tesa Gasull, Barcelona
Mr. and Mrs. Andrés Gozálvez, Barcelona
Mr. Juan Masedo, Ibiza
Mr. José María Calvo, Barcelona
Mr. and Mrs. José María Leirado, Barcelona
Mr. and Mrs. Mateu Picas, Barcelona
Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Aguado, Madrid
Mr. and Mrs. David González, Barcelona
Mrs. Clare Moore, Sotogrande
Mrs. Geneviève Euloge, Marrakech
Mrs. Lucinda Edwards, London, UK
Miss Laura Bosi, Barcelona
Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Bonet, Sitges / Barcelona
Miss Sara Trombini, Barcelona
Mrs. Anna Crompton, London, UK
Mr. and Mrs. René Baudier, Essaouira / Liège
Miss Gokcen Adiguzel, Istambul
Miss Paola Rampini, Torino
Miss Carole Dubois, Regencós, Gerona, Spain
The late Duncan Cameron, London, UK
Mr. Ramón Arasa, Barcelona
Mr. and Mrs. Hamid Bentahar, Marrakech / Casablanca / Minas Gerais
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco D’Agostino, Caracas / New York / The Hamptons
MAM, Museo de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Brazil Baghdad Museum of Contemporary Art, Iraq Fundaciò La Caixa, Barcelona
The Tribal Life Fund, Bruxelles
The Old Fort Museum, Zanzibar Cultural Heritage, Arusha, Tanzania African Heritage, Nairobi
Legend House, Nairobi.
Museum Dalí Esculptor, Barcelona
Ibo Foundation, Barcelona / Ibo island, Mozambique.
Museu de Arte Contemporaneo de Medellín, Colombia
Lisa Christoffersen Home Gallery. Nairobi, Kenya
Royal Palm Hotel, Dar es Salaam (Migration Triptych displayed in the Serengeti Room)
Nairobi Serena Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
Zanzibar Serena Inn, Zanzibar
The King Post, Westlands, Nairobi
Berta Cayuso, Madrid
Restaurante Fragata, Sitges
Restaurante Agua, Barcelona
Elsa Marj, Riad Tarifa
Magda Bouso, Barcelona
Hotel La Residence, Saint Louis, Senegal
Campement Ocean et Savanne, Langue de Barbarie, Senegal.
Sabine Medina, Sotogrande / Hannover
Pepe Llaudet, Barcelona
Ankara Etnica, Marbella
Cado Interiorismo, Barcelona
Galerie Design & Cook, Marrakech
Blanca Bernat Iñiesta, studio de arquitectura
Studio Santiago Nin Klaebisch, Barcelona
Hotel Hurricane, Tarifa
Hotel Punta Sur, Tarifa
Hotel Patricia, Sotogrande
Peau d’Ane, Marrakech
Giuliana Bonini, Sotogrande
Anmoder, Madrid
Imaian Gallery, Madrid
Art Hobler Gallery, Lisboa
Isa de Luca, Barcelona
Lilah Spirit, Sid Ghanem, Marrakech
Zinc Restaurant, Sidi Ghanem, Marrakech
Riad Lola, Marrakech
Luzio, Barcelona, Spain
Hotel Hanoï, Bagur, Spain
Zambezi, Lagos, Portugal
Mar de Coco, Sitges, Barcelona
La Casa del Califa, Vejer de la Frontera, Spain
Riad Giulia, Marrakech
Villa La Herrumbrosa, Tarifa, Cádiz
Pousada Estrela do Mar, Trancoso, Brasil
Pousada Cuadrado, Trancoso, Brasil
Pousada Etnia, Trancoso, Brasil
Rialto Living, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Sabi & Sand, Barcelona
Adela Cabré Interior Design, Barcelona
Las Tiendas de Guadiaro, Sotogrande
Galería Maria José Castellví, Barcelona
Galería Marga Sennacheribbo, Barcelona
DM Interiors, Sotogrande
Silvia Sennacheribbo Art Gallery, Barcelona
The Barcelona Design Gallery, Barcelona
Galeria do Olhar, Salvador de Bahía, Brazil
Cabinet Alberto Pinto, Paris / Marrakech
Magasin Général, Marrakech
La Caravane passe, Antibes
Alm Ramatuelle, France
Château de Kergrist, Bretagne, France.
Patricia darch Interior Design, Sotogrande / Gibraltar
SOME, Marrakech, Morocco
Atmosphère d’Arganeraie by Luciani, Essaouira. Morocco
Tessa & Co, Mercantic, San Cugat, Barcelona.
Arvid and Beth Bergwall, Helsinki
Sierra Blanca Estates / Epic Phase I, Marbella
Eduardo Oria Architects, Marbella
Ark Architects, Sotogrande